Monthly Magic is the open Zoom conversation about the unseen world that I usually offer on the third Sunday of every month. All paid subscribers are welcome. I have been very sick this month, however, and remain very low in energy. I have faith, however, that I will achieve consistent verticality by next Sunday, January 26 and hope you will all join me.
It’s been a really hard month but it has not been a “dark night of the soul” as some have suggested…because I have felt so profoundly loved by the living and the dead, and my own faith has been woven into those beautiful enganglements of care. I have sick and scared but I have also felt loved and seen and cared for profoundly. Thank you all.
And we will meet on Sunday, January 26 at 3 pm eastern time. Zoom is sent out Saturday the day before.
Perdita Finn is the author of Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World and the forthcoming Mothers of Magic: Recovering the Love at the Heart of the World. With her husband Clark Strand she is the founder of the feral fellowship The Way of the Rose and the book by the same name. She lives with her family in the Catskill Mountains.
My paid substack includes up-to-the minute offerings from works in progress and a monthly Zoom conversation about collaborating with the ancestors. All work, however, has basically stopped this month as I try to recover from this illness.
Hello everyone,
It's my first time here and I would like to ask how to connect to tomorrow's Zoom.
Thank you in advance!
Have a peaceful day
Grateful to read this today. That you feel well enough to even consider the Monthly Magic at all! Prayers and love surrounding you. 🌠