As a square and a doctor and all of the control-freakiness that comes with that, I've always had a healthy apprehension about psychedelics. On the other hand, my ancestors and plants talk to me on a regular basis. My favorite tree conversations were when the red oak in our yard told me we would learn to be elders together and when Aspen told me that like we use their oxygen and they use our carbon dioxide, they transmute our fears into healing and we transmute theirs into action.

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How often have I commented on your pieces, I love this so much? And I do this time as well. I came to psychedelics late - well in my 20s rather than teens. I realized right away they were tools, and not games. And I decided to learn as much as I could. I watched a Norway pine in my living room breathe. I knew I had amazing energy surging through my body that I could direct. I traveled on my life line, an experience that I really needed. And then, one day when the opportunity came to trip - shrooms or peyote (because you didn’t know if acid was cut with something) I realized I had learned all I needed to learn from them, and that was that.

I remember visiting the Chalice Well in Glastonbury with a friend. It was a cloudy day, and we stood in front of the two ancient Yew trees in the garden. And my friend said: “The trees are glowing! Do you see it too?”. And I said, “Yes. And they always glow! All the trees!”. She was a friend who would roll her eyes, so often, directed at me. But now she looked at the Yew trees in awe and didn’t say a word. Even now, and we are no longer friends, which is sad, she insists that I’m “crazy”. But she saw, and she felt it.

I recently had an experience “beyond the veil” whooshing to the energy body of a young man who had just died, the son of a friend. I’m not going into the details because it’s a long story. But during the whole experience, that I had never done before, not only did I know exactly what to do (like I’ve known all my life but just “forgot” somehow is how it felt), but I felt so protected. I literally had a legion of my dead around me, protecting me. They were just there. I did not ask because I had no clue - this was a new experience. I was doing this because a beloved I was talking on the phone with, asked me to join him sending love and care to our friends. I was not expecting such an amazing adventure, and neither was he, because he experienced it to a point, and then “saw” what I did and was really amazed. But for me, I just did what I knew to do, and my dead were there. It was awesome. And I’m still integrating it.

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