Thank you for this, Perdita. Tonight, my housemate is going to a big Halloween gathering. I will be creating an altar in the back yard, adding silver candelabra with black candles, sandalwood incense, photos of my loved ones in spirit, and food for those beloveds to be offered to the backyard critters after the spirits have enjoyed the essence and fragrance of the food. I will call each one out loud by name, express my appreciation for her or him, and recall some memory of them. To me, Halloween, as created by the astrological quarters, is actually Nov 5 or 6, so I will likely have another celebration during these days with other souls. I collected some Aires Full Moon Eclipse Water to sprinkle around my circle to keep those out whom I do not invite.
Thank you for this, Perdita. Tonight, my housemate is going to a big Halloween gathering. I will be creating an altar in the back yard, adding silver candelabra with black candles, sandalwood incense, photos of my loved ones in spirit, and food for those beloveds to be offered to the backyard critters after the spirits have enjoyed the essence and fragrance of the food. I will call each one out loud by name, express my appreciation for her or him, and recall some memory of them. To me, Halloween, as created by the astrological quarters, is actually Nov 5 or 6, so I will likely have another celebration during these days with other souls. I collected some Aires Full Moon Eclipse Water to sprinkle around my circle to keep those out whom I do not invite.