Oh, thank Goodness -- the ancestors, the mountain, the possums, the doxies and all of creation. We need you here with us right now! You are so right! Love is always the answer. But it doesn't always present in the way we often think of as love. Our bodies recognize it while our minds may not. So we must train our bodies. They are like the membrane of a drum. The receive these impressions, these sensations, and make a language out of them. The language of the land, holding us. And we are all a part of it, holding you and holding each other. Such beauty!

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the land holds us and we hold each other, don't we? So much love to you.

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Oh, my heart dances to hear of this miracle. One step closer to Guardian spring, dear one.

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I'm making it to the end of the driveway each day now...soon I'll be ready for the mountain. I want you to see it when the mountain laurel is in bloom!

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So many tears of joy and such relief! Thank you for sharing with all of us and the reminder to ride the waves, rest into faith, call in beloveds and ancestors, and hold on for this wild beautiful unpredictable glorious ride. Love you so much, and prayers continue...

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thank you my dearest Heatherash...I've been so sorry to miss you this Woodstock trip but hope these cold days were good for writing by the waterfall! So much love to you.

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Oh Perdita. I don't have any words of support because my support and prayers go beyond words now - I send you love right back. And want you to know your words here, right know, gave me hope where I was finding none today. Thank you.

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this month I had three friends experience cancer miracles...a remission, a clean cat scan, an unexpectly benign tumor and each time their miracle was mine, let me know that there could be all kinds of surprises...there can be for us all.

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So glad to hear the uplifting end to this chapter of your story, Perdita! May your recovery continue, your faith stay strong, your ancestors embrace you always!

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I'm not sure I'm at the end of this particular story but I like the last plot twist...A LOT!

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Hi Perdita, I was so filled with relief, joy and love as I read your sharing today. I love that you went from feeling like you were locked in a dark trunk to knowing that you were being held in the womb of Mother Earth. Perhaps all my emotions play a part in my reaction to your writing but I honestly think this is one of the most beautiful passages I have ever read. Perhaps someday what you wrote will be part of one of your books. sending much love and ongoing prayers for your complete recovery. Vicki S.

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a part of me is wondering if it is not the end of my book on the Mothers but I don't know yet....

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So so deeply relieved for you and also keeping you in my prayers.

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thank you dear dear friend

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Beautiful news Perdita. I join the other choruses of voices who are so happy to hear that you are doing much better, and that you deeply felt all of the love and prayers that were beaming your way. My heart feels lighter on your behalf.

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My heart is still thudding from this journey through your story of love-as-faith. Thank you , rhank you for loving so deeply, you turned into love.

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This has been such a scary, breath-holding ride for all of us, I believe. You have made such a huge difference in my life and in the lives of others, and we could not bear to lose you. You have been thrown every life-saving prayer, idea, wish, and gift we could all devise. What a huge amount of love has been sent your way. You deserve it, and we will continue to send even more.

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dearest Robin, thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for your care and love during this journey. It has meant the world to me.

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I hope you got the email I sent to you :)

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Thank you thank you thank you! Tears of joy and gratitude.

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Love, love, love, love.....love, love, love. Love, love, love, love, love....

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Such a heartfelt telling of what you have come through so far. Thank you for sharing your fears and prayers and, yes, a miracle!

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