This is one of the best pieces I’ve read in a long time. And I’m reading a lot right now. Trying to breathe. Trying to remember. Even finding peace is an effort now. There’s so much. I hope many, many people take your course because it is what is so essential right now. Literally NOW! I feel like just a tiny push of, what? magic is what I call it, will tip the wheel and we’ll go round and come out. It will look the same. What will have changed is humans. Remembering who and what we are. Humans, and moss and rocks and fish and deer (I’ve been a deer) and all of it. At the same time, right now, this minute . . . whoa. It’s hard.
I do love this, as do I love Tolkein and C.S. Lewis and I feel so resonate with rewilding the earth and attuning to all as alive and free and of deepest value. I want to hear the flowers and commune with the trees and stones and rivers. And yet, in my personal deepest understanding, what Sophie calls "the animate everything" is what I understand as the meaning of "all is One", so that phrase is actually nourishing to me and touches into the Source of all Life within me. The One is the Everything and the Everything is the One. That under and through the essence of all, is the same Life and yet it manifests in multitudinous diverse and exquisite forms. Hallelujah! And all is Being and yet, all is always Becoming. Our Being is what has always been and always will be, the essence of what we and all are. But we are also stretching into That, expanding into That, realizing That, informing That. And I feel that under these words we sense the same reality and absolutely homogenizing is not desirable and celebrating the diversity and beauty of all Life is analogous to Love. I so very much look forward to this 9 month intensive, a feast for my body and soul! I feel that participating in this intensive is akin to a long sweet verdant prayer that we will collectively be weaving, growing through the fabric of reality. Thank you and Clark for all.
You and Tolkien ( and Clark) make such great teams. May diversity and multiplicity return once and for all❤️ So looking forward to this course!
This is one of the best pieces I’ve read in a long time. And I’m reading a lot right now. Trying to breathe. Trying to remember. Even finding peace is an effort now. There’s so much. I hope many, many people take your course because it is what is so essential right now. Literally NOW! I feel like just a tiny push of, what? magic is what I call it, will tip the wheel and we’ll go round and come out. It will look the same. What will have changed is humans. Remembering who and what we are. Humans, and moss and rocks and fish and deer (I’ve been a deer) and all of it. At the same time, right now, this minute . . . whoa. It’s hard.
Really powerfully explained. Thank you.
I do love this, as do I love Tolkein and C.S. Lewis and I feel so resonate with rewilding the earth and attuning to all as alive and free and of deepest value. I want to hear the flowers and commune with the trees and stones and rivers. And yet, in my personal deepest understanding, what Sophie calls "the animate everything" is what I understand as the meaning of "all is One", so that phrase is actually nourishing to me and touches into the Source of all Life within me. The One is the Everything and the Everything is the One. That under and through the essence of all, is the same Life and yet it manifests in multitudinous diverse and exquisite forms. Hallelujah! And all is Being and yet, all is always Becoming. Our Being is what has always been and always will be, the essence of what we and all are. But we are also stretching into That, expanding into That, realizing That, informing That. And I feel that under these words we sense the same reality and absolutely homogenizing is not desirable and celebrating the diversity and beauty of all Life is analogous to Love. I so very much look forward to this 9 month intensive, a feast for my body and soul! I feel that participating in this intensive is akin to a long sweet verdant prayer that we will collectively be weaving, growing through the fabric of reality. Thank you and Clark for all.
Deep Holy Breaths that bring our consciousness back to what is here speaking.