SO good to hear your voice dear Perdita,,through your words, to hear the stories of the miracles and legions of dead, living and your mountain that held you while you journeyed through these mysterious realms. To share in your deep wisdom and prayer, adding mine to yours again and again. Thank you so, for sharing your journey.
Oh, Perdita, to hear your voice so strong - even through the effort, even through the weakness that persists... There are no words to express how grateful I am to hear your voice. Praying up the ridge, and holding your continued healing in the deepest depths of my heart.
Oh, my sister. I love your story of the Mama Possum carrying you and your story up the mountain (along with her babies). I've always believed our mothers will show up when we need help to carry the stories that are just too heavy for us at some points in our lives. Now, I'm carrying the story of the Parable of Perdita and the Possum. Love and peace to you as you travel this recovery path.
So much more going on here than sepsis! Such beauty and strength and depth and basic truth in your words, Perdita, in your your experience…the mysteries of the body and how it traverses various initiations, the ways we are brought home to ourselves, the journey of life, since clearly there is no death, the mystical path unfolding, our connection with all life. Thank you, thank you for sharing your journey. I, too, have travelled similar highways and I trust the journey, for all of us. Prayers are streaming to you, through you, for you, for all. The mama possum says it all. Your writing always touches a deep place within me. 🤍🌹
I don't have a story yet about this journey...I still have a procedure to get through and the results of that procedure (may they be benigh and reassuring)....but I can feel huge things being asked of me, done to me....Two weeks of high fever have transformed my being. Mostly right now I am feeling SLOW. I must be SLOW. I'm a slow lorris right now, a bit of a sloth, and feeling into what it means to be slow. I am so often so fast.
Benign and reassuring is my prayer. Slow sounds like a lovely asana, a beautiful mantra, a way to embody each moment in beauty. You are held so deeply, so vastly, so strongly by so many through the dimensions, and by Her.
You have been in my prayer hospital since I first learned you were ill. It is wonderful that you finally have regained enough strength to write. May the answers be gentle. Reading this reminded me to turn to one of my expert medical peeps on the other side, Dr. Steinsaper, to ask for his help. He hired me as a receptionist when I was 17, and starting my second year of college, and that job led me to pursue learning about healing and even training and working as a LVN when I was in my 20s. The RN who worked with him taught me a bit about medical billing. I had been there a few months when her daughter almost died of complications from an illegal abortion, and Doc decided to let me go and hire the daughter to take my place and help her to ground and recover from that experience. I call on him when medical stuff looms.
Possum! You magical being! OH Iʻm so so so grateful you showed up for our amazing Perdita! Thank you Perdita for bring your wisdom and words in the midst of what sounds impossible, Iʻm so sorry to hear about this brutal time and also so happy to know to put everything Iʻve learned from you to work FOR YOU - as I agree with all of the other posters - your wisdom and grace is so needed now, let us all lift you up along with all of our fancy dead folks who will be overjoyed to help. Sending all the love from all the rocks, dirt, creatures, fog, dead and our smiling loving living!
This is an astonishing post in so many ways. I am thrilled you are coming out of this nightmare, slow as it seems to so many of us who have held space for you in our hearts and prayers. I know you are so tired. But I do hope you will take the time to write down your nightmares and other dreams to be studied when you are better. It feels/sounds to me like you have gone through a huge transformation by fire (fever), like it has been an intense dark night of the soul. Thomas Merton, mystic, Trappist monk, writer, and philosopher said that if you don't experience a dark night of the soul from time to time, you aren't working hard enough on your spiritual growth. There is so much more I can say, but must chew on this a bit more. Much love and bodily comfort to you, dear lady.
fascinatingly my dog found an ancestral oracle deck my last intensive workshop created together...and kept putting Thomas Merton's card out on the floor. So he was calling on Merton....I odn't know if it was a dark night of the soul but it was a hard night for the body and there was only faith...I am grateful for that faith, for all those who wove their prayers around me. I did not feel alone and I think it is hardest to feel alone.
btw, I just returned from visiting my friend in Santa Fe. She took me up to Chimayo, a spiritual and physical healing center known to some Catholics as the Lourdes of America that attracts close to 300,000 visitors per year. Next to the chapel is a little room where the earth is said to promote healing. I got some dirt for both of us. I was in a hurry to get it in the mail to you before closing, and didn't get a note in it for you. So, don't be offended when a bag of dirt is delivered to your door. I have enough to send bags out to 2 other people, so if 2 of your beloved readers are interested, they may send me a request for some holy dirt.
I wept with relief when I read your beautiful post, that you are home and have words to share the terror and the beauty, and especially that mama possum came and carried you up Guardian and brought you back to us and yourself. We are all holding you, giving back a tiny bit of what you have given so many of us: let or love hold you. Rest into the mother and your community. Prayers continuing for all knots to be untangled, both health and health care. Loving you fiercely and praying constantly.
Perdita, gosh so glad to hear your words today, and that you made it through..
I’ve been asking my grandma Irene to look out for you- who I’m just realizing now, survived sepsis in the same hospital. Will continue these prayers as you navigate your health and insurance..
please share with me your grandma's name? Everyone at Duchess was a wonder, really...from the super smart doctors, caring nurses to the gently caring folks who came to empty the trash cans. I cannot praise them enough.
Irene Mattiasich Schaefer. My first class with you led me into deeper connection with her, which I’m so grateful for. She lived on our farm in Pleasant Valley (not super far from Dutchess). She was a flower gardener, a nanny for Joy and Jack’s children, a nurse, teacher, writer and poet, student of comparative religion, and a very gentle mystic who prayed every single day. A kindred spirit I think! I love imagining all these beings, human and non-human, who were surrounding you.. 💛
Thank you, Perdita. ❤️ Asking Mother for your rapid and thorough recovery! Though I've heard that the Other Side is by turns quite nice and restful and busy, I'm glad you are here on the Earth, for your words are inspiration and healing balm to me and to many -- and your beloved Clark, Jonah, and Sophie must be so relieved! ❤️
OH MY GOSH Perdiata OH MY GOSH Iʻm praying, Iʻm crying, Iʻm praying Iʻm with you! Sending all the love I can find between my toes on this earth and in the blue sky and the shaking forests - itʻs all coming to you!!! xoxoxoxo May your healing be swift and mysterious and as gorgeous as you!
So grateful to read this today. Your beautiful, inspired words, feeling through them, the terrifying journey you have been on. You have been in my prayers each day, and some of my dead have been with you as well. My two doctor relatives from Greece, my mother and Nanny Meeker, and even some I don't know, I felt them come to be there. I saw them arrive to be around you but I do not know their names. Because it was not your time, as your wise father knows. Because you are needed, so very much needed, here on this side of the veil in these times. You have just begun to come into your gifts, and why you are here. Not that the work you've done so far isn't "enough". By any standards it is more than enough. But . . . you aren't done yet! There is so much more and the time is now for the gifts you bring. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to write this and keep us posted. And fuck the health insurance assholes! Your care will be covered. Somehow. The bills will get paid. For now, eat, sleep, breathe, dream, and when you are able, step outside and breath fresh air. Then start over. My grandmother, Nanny Meeker, was someone everyone called on for prayers. It seemed that her prayers were very special because somehow they always got answered. But she could not pray for herself. For herself, she had to rely on others' prayers. You are held and loved and surrounded with strength.
Thank you, Perdita, for continuing to share your heart and soul with us. I am asking my dead to join hands with the other saints that are being called upon, to lift you up and return you to full health. So much love to you!! 🫂❤️
So good to read your words, Perdita, and hear your voice. Thank you for writing about those moments when we cannot form a prayer and we are carried by the prayers of our community. And thank you to the possum - I love them very much also. Also thank you to your dad, very much so.
I’m also so glad you have someone who is familiar with billing, codes, etc as well as Clark of course, on the human side of things.❤️❤️🌹🌹
Please pace yourself and know we love you very much and you are in our hearts and in our prayers!
Insurance is sorting itself out! Hooray! Now of course the procedure has been approved so I have to get it...and I'm scared. Prayers it is uneventful and the results benigh.
So good to hear your words Perdita. Praying for your continued recovery and that you continue to feel held and loved by all the mothers, mountains, saints, and helpers on both sides of the veil. So much love to you and whole family.
SO good to hear your voice dear Perdita,,through your words, to hear the stories of the miracles and legions of dead, living and your mountain that held you while you journeyed through these mysterious realms. To share in your deep wisdom and prayer, adding mine to yours again and again. Thank you so, for sharing your journey.
my dearest Mary, you have been so close to me and it has sustained me
Oh, Perdita, to hear your voice so strong - even through the effort, even through the weakness that persists... There are no words to express how grateful I am to hear your voice. Praying up the ridge, and holding your continued healing in the deepest depths of my heart.
now we need to walk Guardian together when I am better and spring is here
I'll be there in a heartbeat.
Bring on healing, and bring on spring, dear one.
Oh, my sister. I love your story of the Mama Possum carrying you and your story up the mountain (along with her babies). I've always believed our mothers will show up when we need help to carry the stories that are just too heavy for us at some points in our lives. Now, I'm carrying the story of the Parable of Perdita and the Possum. Love and peace to you as you travel this recovery path.
So much more going on here than sepsis! Such beauty and strength and depth and basic truth in your words, Perdita, in your your experience…the mysteries of the body and how it traverses various initiations, the ways we are brought home to ourselves, the journey of life, since clearly there is no death, the mystical path unfolding, our connection with all life. Thank you, thank you for sharing your journey. I, too, have travelled similar highways and I trust the journey, for all of us. Prayers are streaming to you, through you, for you, for all. The mama possum says it all. Your writing always touches a deep place within me. 🤍🌹
I don't have a story yet about this journey...I still have a procedure to get through and the results of that procedure (may they be benigh and reassuring)....but I can feel huge things being asked of me, done to me....Two weeks of high fever have transformed my being. Mostly right now I am feeling SLOW. I must be SLOW. I'm a slow lorris right now, a bit of a sloth, and feeling into what it means to be slow. I am so often so fast.
Benign and reassuring is my prayer. Slow sounds like a lovely asana, a beautiful mantra, a way to embody each moment in beauty. You are held so deeply, so vastly, so strongly by so many through the dimensions, and by Her.
You have been in my prayer hospital since I first learned you were ill. It is wonderful that you finally have regained enough strength to write. May the answers be gentle. Reading this reminded me to turn to one of my expert medical peeps on the other side, Dr. Steinsaper, to ask for his help. He hired me as a receptionist when I was 17, and starting my second year of college, and that job led me to pursue learning about healing and even training and working as a LVN when I was in my 20s. The RN who worked with him taught me a bit about medical billing. I had been there a few months when her daughter almost died of complications from an illegal abortion, and Doc decided to let me go and hire the daughter to take my place and help her to ground and recover from that experience. I call on him when medical stuff looms.
it must have helped! The hospital is managing the claim and insurance authorized my biopsy...phew all around.
Possum! You magical being! OH Iʻm so so so grateful you showed up for our amazing Perdita! Thank you Perdita for bring your wisdom and words in the midst of what sounds impossible, Iʻm so sorry to hear about this brutal time and also so happy to know to put everything Iʻve learned from you to work FOR YOU - as I agree with all of the other posters - your wisdom and grace is so needed now, let us all lift you up along with all of our fancy dead folks who will be overjoyed to help. Sending all the love from all the rocks, dirt, creatures, fog, dead and our smiling loving living!
thank you dearest Jane
This is an astonishing post in so many ways. I am thrilled you are coming out of this nightmare, slow as it seems to so many of us who have held space for you in our hearts and prayers. I know you are so tired. But I do hope you will take the time to write down your nightmares and other dreams to be studied when you are better. It feels/sounds to me like you have gone through a huge transformation by fire (fever), like it has been an intense dark night of the soul. Thomas Merton, mystic, Trappist monk, writer, and philosopher said that if you don't experience a dark night of the soul from time to time, you aren't working hard enough on your spiritual growth. There is so much more I can say, but must chew on this a bit more. Much love and bodily comfort to you, dear lady.
fascinatingly my dog found an ancestral oracle deck my last intensive workshop created together...and kept putting Thomas Merton's card out on the floor. So he was calling on Merton....I odn't know if it was a dark night of the soul but it was a hard night for the body and there was only faith...I am grateful for that faith, for all those who wove their prayers around me. I did not feel alone and I think it is hardest to feel alone.
Sending you an email.
btw, I just returned from visiting my friend in Santa Fe. She took me up to Chimayo, a spiritual and physical healing center known to some Catholics as the Lourdes of America that attracts close to 300,000 visitors per year. Next to the chapel is a little room where the earth is said to promote healing. I got some dirt for both of us. I was in a hurry to get it in the mail to you before closing, and didn't get a note in it for you. So, don't be offended when a bag of dirt is delivered to your door. I have enough to send bags out to 2 other people, so if 2 of your beloved readers are interested, they may send me a request for some holy dirt.
I wept with relief when I read your beautiful post, that you are home and have words to share the terror and the beauty, and especially that mama possum came and carried you up Guardian and brought you back to us and yourself. We are all holding you, giving back a tiny bit of what you have given so many of us: let or love hold you. Rest into the mother and your community. Prayers continuing for all knots to be untangled, both health and health care. Loving you fiercely and praying constantly.
keep those prayers coming, please! I still have a procedure before me that I pray is uneventful and the results benign and reassuring....
Perdita, gosh so glad to hear your words today, and that you made it through..
I’ve been asking my grandma Irene to look out for you- who I’m just realizing now, survived sepsis in the same hospital. Will continue these prayers as you navigate your health and insurance..
so much love,
please share with me your grandma's name? Everyone at Duchess was a wonder, really...from the super smart doctors, caring nurses to the gently caring folks who came to empty the trash cans. I cannot praise them enough.
Irene Mattiasich Schaefer. My first class with you led me into deeper connection with her, which I’m so grateful for. She lived on our farm in Pleasant Valley (not super far from Dutchess). She was a flower gardener, a nanny for Joy and Jack’s children, a nurse, teacher, writer and poet, student of comparative religion, and a very gentle mystic who prayed every single day. A kindred spirit I think! I love imagining all these beings, human and non-human, who were surrounding you.. 💛
Thank you, Perdita. ❤️ Asking Mother for your rapid and thorough recovery! Though I've heard that the Other Side is by turns quite nice and restful and busy, I'm glad you are here on the Earth, for your words are inspiration and healing balm to me and to many -- and your beloved Clark, Jonah, and Sophie must be so relieved! ❤️
Clark has been heroic, the kids have been cooking for me...I am blessed in my friends and my kin, feeling it very profoundly.
OH MY GOSH Perdiata OH MY GOSH Iʻm praying, Iʻm crying, Iʻm praying Iʻm with you! Sending all the love I can find between my toes on this earth and in the blue sky and the shaking forests - itʻs all coming to you!!! xoxoxoxo May your healing be swift and mysterious and as gorgeous as you!
thank you
Praying for you and grateful
thank you dear Chris
So grateful to read this today. Your beautiful, inspired words, feeling through them, the terrifying journey you have been on. You have been in my prayers each day, and some of my dead have been with you as well. My two doctor relatives from Greece, my mother and Nanny Meeker, and even some I don't know, I felt them come to be there. I saw them arrive to be around you but I do not know their names. Because it was not your time, as your wise father knows. Because you are needed, so very much needed, here on this side of the veil in these times. You have just begun to come into your gifts, and why you are here. Not that the work you've done so far isn't "enough". By any standards it is more than enough. But . . . you aren't done yet! There is so much more and the time is now for the gifts you bring. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to write this and keep us posted. And fuck the health insurance assholes! Your care will be covered. Somehow. The bills will get paid. For now, eat, sleep, breathe, dream, and when you are able, step outside and breath fresh air. Then start over. My grandmother, Nanny Meeker, was someone everyone called on for prayers. It seemed that her prayers were very special because somehow they always got answered. But she could not pray for herself. For herself, she had to rely on others' prayers. You are held and loved and surrounded with strength.
I am calling on Nanny Meeker....I want to be a grandmother so much, an active, vibrant, meddling miracle-summoning grandmother
Susan, this is so beautiful. Reading it, tears are rolling down my cheeks. And your Nanny Meeker was (is) a walking (gliding?) miracle maker.
Thank you, Perdita, for continuing to share your heart and soul with us. I am asking my dead to join hands with the other saints that are being called upon, to lift you up and return you to full health. So much love to you!! 🫂❤️
I can feel them! Thank you!
So good to read your words, Perdita, and hear your voice. Thank you for writing about those moments when we cannot form a prayer and we are carried by the prayers of our community. And thank you to the possum - I love them very much also. Also thank you to your dad, very much so.
I’m also so glad you have someone who is familiar with billing, codes, etc as well as Clark of course, on the human side of things.❤️❤️🌹🌹
Please pace yourself and know we love you very much and you are in our hearts and in our prayers!
Insurance is sorting itself out! Hooray! Now of course the procedure has been approved so I have to get it...and I'm scared. Prayers it is uneventful and the results benigh.
So good to hear your words Perdita. Praying for your continued recovery and that you continue to feel held and loved by all the mothers, mountains, saints, and helpers on both sides of the veil. So much love to you and whole family.
and I am praying every day, often every moment for Meghan's complete recovery and return to health. Oh mama my heart goes out to you.